The brand name "tototo" is named after the word "toto" , "toto" means "fish" in Japanese. Then added "to" after "toto". "to" is a preposition "with" in Japanese. "With fish", we coexist to create a more abundant future.
We want to solve the current Problems of the Leather Industry by upcycling fish skin.
Japanese people have been eating fish since ancient times, and today sushi and sashimi are world-famous. However, a significant portion of fish, including skins and guts, is discarded more than we might imagine. While approximately 10% of these discarded parts are processed into fishmeal for use as fertilizer or animal feed, the remaining 90% is incinerated as waste. We collect fish skins from fish markets and seafood processing companies, yet over one ton of fish skins are still discarded every month.
In order to change the skin of the animal to a sturdy, supple "leather", the work called "namasu" is performed. This work is mainly done in two ways: "tannin twill" or "Chrome tannery".
"Tannin tannu" is made of tea, such as tannin, which makes the skin healthy. It is environmentally friendly processing method to use plant derived ingredients. "Chrome tannu" is a chemical processing method using chemical components of chromium. 80% of the leather products currently being sold are cheap and easy to use.
Most of them may not be conscious of this, but most of the leather of the leather of the upper class, and fur (fur) used for clothes, etc.are being produced and raised animals only to use the skin as a material.
In recent years, there has been a growing voice of opposition to the present situation, and in the fashion industry, there are growing brands to declare repellent leather and fur.
In the past, many leather products were made to be cheaper and better for us, and as a result, they had a large impact on the environment. Of course, it is not wrong to provide better products at a lower price. However, with the abundance of various products, we believe that we should not continue to make the same products as before.