About fish species
Charm of different fish leather for each fish species
Currently, TOTOTO produces three types of fish leather of Buri, Madai and Suzuki.
Different scales are just the only beauty, and the touch is also individuality.
Yellowtail leather is attractive and attractive with fine smooth feel and shabby.
The artificial pattern may not be visible to the fish, but you can feel elegance somewhere.
Needless to say that the fat of the winter of fat is delicious, but in Japan, it is also famous as a senior fish that changes as it grow.
It may be said that it is a newly new trap material.
Leather of the red sea bream is greater expressive scale pattern strength of life is felt is a characteristic, the scale pattern has a slightly uneven, is feel like a completely different heavyweight of Japanese paper and other animals of the leather .
Just fish seems a distinctive look, there is a charm to be attracted.
Red sea bream is familiar deeply for us as a fish that get to the celebrations since ancient times, is the leather is also recommended as a gift.
Suzuki of leather, well-equipped scales pattern, such as if to imagine a wave of continuous is characteristic.
Has a diamond-shaped scales pattern of about width 2 ~ 3mm, or would not be exactly what it can be said that the nature of the design.
In addition, touch that produce its fully equipped scales pattern is a cozy texture is also different with the reptiles of leather.
Suzuki has been prized since ancient times as elegant fish of the beautiful white, is also the Shusseuo name changes as it grows.
Other not to fish handsome beauty is attractive.
By compare these three types of fish leather, I hope you can feel the beauty different for each fish.
Since we plan to add the leather of some new fish the future, I am happy and enjoy waiting for fun!